My services.

  • package 1


    6 hours photography
    minimum 300 final images
    shareable photo galleries
    1 roll of 35mm film included
    mini engagement session included

    starting at $2900 + tax

  • package 2


    8 hours photography
    minimum 400 final images
    shareable photo galleries
    1 roll of 35mm film included
    mini engagement session included

    starting at $3800 + tax

  • package 3


    10 hours photography
    minimum 600 final images
    shareable photo galleries
    2 rolls of 35mm film included
    mini engagement session included

    starting at $5500 + tax

  • extras

    additional photographer - $100/hour
    35mm film - $100/roll
    additional hour - $500
    super 8 film - tbd